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The Project Management Software for Investment Bankers

Investment banking is one of financial world’s most coveted jobs. It is also one of the hardest. It is no surprise that an investment banker’s work week exceeds 125 hours. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have financially rewarding careers. But what happens to the bankers who don’t? A recent survey showed a decrease in mental and physical health due to these long working hours which eventually affected retention rate and in turn the organization as a whole. Financial modelling is a big part of the investment banking and it helps in representing and projecting the financial performance of organization. Microsoft Excel is the go-to tool for this. Other than this, MS Word and MS PowerPoint help to collate and present information. TRIYO’s plug-in securely integrates with existing tools like MS Office means you don’t have to learn a new platform; you simply continue to use the applications you currently are with 80% of users never needing to visit the TRIYO platform. 1. Black box operational data 2. Dashboards and Analytics 3. Full Suite Collaboration 4. Flexible Task Management 5. IIntelligent search repository Instead of manually generating, collating, and disseminating data, waiting for their senior managers to get free to give them feedback, and version control, investment bankers can automate these processes and save valuable time. This would shorten their workdays- creating a work-life balance, improving mental health and increasing retention rate. Our solution is available on the public and private cloud, and has all requisite security and access controls around knowledge management and sensitive information. To find out more about TRIYO or to book a free demo, contact us by clicking here.