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Mental Health and Workplace Attrition

Productivity in the workplace is essential for a company to drive growth. One could think of it as a car with good wheels. If the condition of the wheels is compromised, the car would not be able to travel far. Covid-19, akin to a poorly maintained road damaging the tires, has been a looming threat to workplace productivity. One of the main causes is the deterioration of mental health among employees.

Firstly, work-life balance has tipped as working from home became the new norm. Remote work arrangements are accompanied by a myriad of issues. The physical environment of an office clearly signals to employees when work starts and stops. As this distinction blurs, employees find themselves working longer hours to complete tasks. Personal time that is important for individuals to recuperate and prepare for the next work day is now used to complete more work. Employees find themselves in a state of constant stress at work. This stress associated with the job negatively impacts morale, and high attrition rates ensue.

As a consequence of remote work arrangements, organizations also have little transparency into the workflow of their employees. Thus, more assignments get piled on without acknowledging whether the employee is able to manage the workload. Instantaneous verbal updates, once possible in an office setting, have turned into Slack messages and emails that often go unseen. This breakdown of communication has caused individuals to become increasingly burnt out. Mental health deteriorates as a result.

According to a Deloitte report, 80% of the Indian workforce reported mental health issues in the past year. Presenteeism, absenteeism and employee turnover are some of the main causes of this $14 billion loss. Taking a closer look at the issue, these staggering numbers could be curbed if organizations were able to do more for the well-being of employees.  By better understanding employees, their workloads and what is manageable, chances of employees taking unplanned time off from work to recalibrate will decrease.

At TRIYO, we are able to provide this transparency into employee workflows. Automated reporting of staff workload and tasks serves as a signal to employers if work needs to be redirected to other employees. By doing so, employees will benefit from a manageable workload and related stress can be alleviated. As a result, the mental health issues that stem from work stress can be better managed.

Ready to make that change for your employees? Contact us here.

TRIYO’s intelligent data platform integrates, aggregates data from all communication channels across an organization and visualizes the data to generate powerful insights into resource utilization, client engagement and process efficiencies.

Our mission is to help organizations to surface and understand the latent data hidden in all communications channels to provide real time insights into process gaps and to create efficiencies.

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