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Using Agile to Create a Transparent Business Process

Agile Project Management is an iterative approach that focuses on breaking down large projects into more manageable tasks. Tasks are completed through short developmental cycles called “sprints”, which are meant to promote velocity and adaptability throughout a project’s life cycle. Teams that incorporate Agile are able to complete work faster and optimize their workflow. Although, a lack of a well-defined process for translating business requirements to IT deliverables will lead to miscommunication, errors and expensive development costs. Typically, business teams provide their technology requirements through BRD documents to technology teams, then it gets broken up into user stories on JIRA, and then each story gets individually allocated to a team of developers. However, JIRA cannot be integrated with most business platforms; so, users will have to manually track progress of each individual developer, and consolidate the information, resulting in miscommunication and costly errors. At the core, Agile projects should exhibit central values and behaviours of trust, flexibility, empowerment and collaboration. That is why teams are able to create a transparent business process with TRIYO. With TRIYO’s platform, users will be able to create tasks corresponding to each JIRA entry and manage these using TRIYO’s task management. An end developer will get a complete overview of the tasks allocated to them by BRD; and communication, that would be lost in email, is recorded in the context of each BRD through TRIYO’s comments and notifications. Project managers will be able to consolidate and track the progress of each JIRA entry pertaining to a BRD efficiently and with contextual detail. To learn more about how TRIYO uses Agile Project Management to create transparent business processes, click here.