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Tips and Tricks To Survive Your First Tech Conference

After a hectic week of preparing for Collision 2022, it happened – and we were blown away by the outcome.

To get the most out of your first (or next) event, the TRIYO team wanted to share some tips and tricks on how to prepare for, and SUCCEED at your first tech conference.

This could mean having your brand pitch ready or charging your social battery the day before in preparation to be social.

Large conferences often gather recruiters, investors, students, and other young professionals in your field you may want to connect with. Therefore, it is crucial to come ready to network in order to build those work connections.

Do not miss out on any opportunities! You never know who you will encounter.

Not all conferences are formal – so do your research on the conference and try to get a glimpse of the culture from previous years to look the part.

Now, if you’re attending on behalf of your company – represent your team! This could mean wearing company-branded clothing/accessories to create more brand awareness for your brand.

Doing your research on the companies and professionals that may be speaking or attending will help you in your search for quality connections.

Building a schedule of speaking events that interest you will keep you organized and accountable throughout the day so you don’t find yourself scrambling at the conference.

Whether you are hosting a booth or are an attendee, it is important to think about ways you can command and hold the attention of those in the room.

Consider this: Captivating displays, branded merchandise (for yourself, the team, and visitors of your booth), fixed + personalized sales pitch(es), intriguing conversations, and lastly, the thought-out follow-up.

How do you follow-up? You may ask.

Follow-ups could come in the form of exchanging LinkedIn profiles, email, and general contact info. Basically, anything you need to ensure that you can stay in touch with the other person after the conference. Create a spreadsheet and have a notepad ready!

But that is not all. Make sure that you send your follow-up message or respond within the 48 hours of your encounter. Conferences are a networking hive. The new connection you just made in line for coffee also made their own handful of connections that day. Reaching out within 48 hours keeps your specific encounter relevant and fresh in their minds.

Now that you have the basics down, you’re ready for your conference!

While it is important to show up prepared, do not stress over the number of Linkedin contacts you collect and remember to enjoy your time!

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