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The Best Practices for Business Forecasting

Within these unprecedented times, it may be impossible to tell how your business will be in a week, let alone a year. Business forecasting can bring clarity to your business, Read More

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Why Financial Services Should Invest in Digital Transformation

If you work in the financial space, you have likely heard talk of digital transformation. So what does digital transformation really mean? In short, it refers to the integration of Read More

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Working in Remote Teams: Insights into a New Normal

The pandemic has had varied developments over the last few months, with quarantine bubbles becoming less stringent or more rigid from country to country. Despite increasing vaccination roll-outs across most Read More

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Agile vs. Traditional Project Management

Organizations are always discovering new ways to execute a process. This has resulted in a shift from using traditional project management methods towards an agile approach. However, choosing which structure Read More

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Transform Project Workflows with API Integration

Imagine the increase of productivity and efficiency your team can have when you use two different platforms simultaneously within your workflow processes? There are many project collaboration tools out in Read More

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3 Ways to Succeed at Remote Work as a Startup

While the possibility of physical work seems closer on the horizon, the shift back to an office environment will take time to implement safely. In the meantime, remote working does Read More

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5 Easy Ways to Enhance Team Collaboration

According to research found by The Standish Group, about 31 percent of projects will be cancelled before they ever get completed. However, a study carried out by the Institute for Read More